Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Perfect Schedule for Twins

Okay- so let me first say, that whoever thought I had the perfect schedule for twins is straight up cray-cray. I don't.. but hopefully this post will help a little and maybe you can relate... :)

3 days before delivery
When I was pregnant with twins, I read as much as I could and did as much research as possible to prepare for this world that I was about to enter into. Almost every article, blog, and Pinterest post I found said that in order to survive twins, they have to be on a strict schedule! So the moment we came home from the hospital, I was on a mission and I THOUGHT I was prepared.

I remember every morning for like two weeks straight when the babies woke up, Thomas and I would sing a "good morning song". We chose Philip Philips' "Home". I made sure that I did the same thing every single day because I knew I HAD to get them on a schedule and the SAME schedule! (oh how ridiculous we were) Well, after the many growth spurts and tears of stress trying to be the perfect mother, I waved my white flag and asked God to take over. I was so hung up on the "schedule" that I wasn't enjoying these precious gifts He gave me. I wasn't enjoying being who God called me to be: a mother. I can honestly say it was the worst few weeks of my entire life. Satan was attacking my mental and emotional state and sabotaging this special time in my life. I then felt God whisper to my spirit, "Calm down, I am here with you, you are not alone, My children need your love, I will do the rest."

4 days old
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. 
Psalm 32:8

Moms, this is my tiny piece of advice. Forget about any type of schedule until at least 3 months. Yes, that's right. Your babies will run your house until 3 months. Forget the schedule.

Newborns do NOT need a schedule. They need YOU. You will need to sacrifice your sanity for a few months because what's even more worse than losing your sanity is losing the bond between you and your babies because of some stupid schedule. Pray a lot and ask for guidance, wisdom, and patience. He will give it to you.

I will lead the blind in the ways they have not known; along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. 
Isaiah 42:16

3-6 Months Night Time Routine:
The first resemblance of a schedule was around three months. We started with a night time routine. This is what worked for us. We have no other children, so putting the babies to bed early was perfect for us and saved the tiny bit of our sanity that was left. Ofcourse if you have older children with ball games, lessons, etc..then this may not work.
4:00- Bath
4:30- Bottle/Rock to sleep
5:00- Put to bed

Yes- you saw that right. We put our babies to sleep at 5:00. Just ask our friends and family. It helped us keep our sanity, save our marriage, and go to bed early. The babies had no problem going to bed early because they didn't nap long through out the day, so they were cranky and exhausted. Once you start a schedule that works, keep doing it! They will know that its time to go to sleep after they take a bath. Kids, even babies, NEED structure and routine.

4 Month Morning Routine:
Around 4 months we then started forming our morning routine because we began introducing solids and they began waking up around the same time so I thought it was perfect time to start.
6:00- Wake up/Bottle
6:30- Tummy Time/Play (Mommy drinks her coffee..mmm..Hallelujah, Praise Jesus!)
7:00- Breakfast- Oatmeal
7:30- Swing/Jumpy (Mommy eats breakfast)
8:00- Small bottle/Nap

6 Month-8 month Daily Routine:
This has been our routine for the past couple months. The boys are about to be 8 months old. When they turned 6 months old, I knew they were old enough to be on an all day schedule.
6:00- wake up/bottle (Coffee/Breakfast)
6:30- JumpyJump
7:30am- Mickie Mouse Club House
7:00- Play time (Mommy works out)
7:30- Breakfast/Mickie Mouse Club House
8:00- Nap (clean house, laundry, prepare dinner, answer emails)
9:30- Bottle
10:00- Walk around the block
10:30- Play
11:00- Lunch
11:30- Play time
12:00- Nap
2:00- Bottle/Mickie Mouse Club House
2:30- Walk around the block
3:30- Play
4:00- Dinner
4:30- Outside Swings with Dad
5:00- Playtime with Dad (Mommy gets dinner together)
5:30- High chair time at the table (Mommy and Daddy eat dinner)
5:45- Bath time
6:15- Bottle
We love our walks! 
6:30- Bedtime

We don't live and die by this schedule, but this is what I do when we stay home all day, which is most days. lol

This schedule works for our family! Try different things, and you will figure out what works for your family! Trial and Error.

Remember!!- God equips us for the blessings He has for us.

Stay strong my mommy friends!

Peace and Blessings:)

Consider it pure JOY whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your FAITH produces perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 
James 1:2-4

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

HONEST Interview With A Twin Dad…(Viewer Discretion Advised)

Moms of multiples are looked up to, felt sorry for, or stared at in amazement or wonder on how in the world does she get through the day. When I personally see moms of triplets or quadruplets I just stare at them and think to myself, "How? How? HOW?!!?" I mean, come on.. I have two babies, yes, but I also have two hands, two arms, two eyes, and a husband. These women are one limb and one hubby short! 
Anways..back on topic. Moms of multiples are looked up to, but I think we sometimes forget the ones behind the scenes: Dads of multiples! 

Okay- so I've asked him to be honest--and he laughed, almost like he is going to enjoy scaring all the other soon to be twin daddies out there--so I apologize ahead of time if he says anything embarrassing, frightening, or inappropriate…

1. What was your first thought when the doctor said you were having twins?
Shock, is that a reaction? I couldn't believe this was for real. 
2. What was the most challenging part in supporting your wife during her pregnancy?
Toward the end, you were so big and uncomfortable so I had to do all the laundry, cooking, cleaning, outside yard work, washing vehicles. I had to do everything. Yea, I think that was kinda tough. 
3. What was the best part about your wife being pregnant with twins?
The thought that I was going to instantly have two kids. That was awesome. And then when I found out it was two boys, that was awesome. 
4. With that said, what genders were you hoping for? What did you want to name them?
A boy and girl. Noah and Ali.
5. If you could give a twin dad any advice to get him through her pregnancy, what would you tell them?
If you want your wife to meet your "physical needs", you need to meet hers- which means lots of back massages, foot rubs, and brownies. And anything else she wants. 
6. What were your thoughts about seeing your wife being cut open during the emergency c-section?
I was so in the moment. I was in panic. I had to sprint to the operating room. I was in so much shock. I guess I didn't enjoy the birthing process the way I thought I would have because it was so rushed and so fast. I didn't get to experience the emotional side because it was an emergency C-section. I was so worried about you and them knowing that Noah's foot broke through. They told me they might have to put you to sleep. I was just in so much shock I couldn't enjoy the moment. When they were operating on you I was watching the monitor a lot watching your blood pressure because I know a lot of people bottom out. I was just so scared of losing you. 
7. What was the first night like for you in the hospital? 
I got 1 1/2 hour of sleep. We didn't want the babies to be in the nursery. I was still in so much shock I couldn't sleep. And your stupid leg pump machine kept me awake. I finally fell asleep around 4:30. 
8. What advice would you give a twin dad for the hospital stay?
Use the nursery as much as possible to sleep. The adjustment to having children and the days in the hospital are crazy. Nurses in and out, babies feeding every few hours, visitors stay forever. You need sleep. The biggest advice I could give is hit up the coffee bar downstairs. Its awesome. So are the omelets. 
9. What was the first day home like and what advice would you give another twin dad?
Thankfully, Jamie and Jared cooked for us and had people cook. Definitely have food cooked for at least 2 weeks. That was awesome. Dont have visitors for at least a month because it stressed you out. Take off work as long as possible.
10. What was breastfeeding like?
It's non stop all day and all night. When she's not breastfeeding, she's pumping, when she's not pumping she's breastfeeding. Did it weird you out? No. 
11. How did you handle night time feedings?
We fed them every three hours. I fed one a bottle and you breastfed. Dont expect to ever sleep thru the night, until they start sleeping through the night. Sometimes I got less sleep than you because the baby I was feeding took longer to eat with the bottle. 
12. At what age did the night feedings stop?
I think around 6 months. Our pediatrician told us we could stop. So prepare for 6 months of no sleep. 
13. When you get home from work, what do you do?
Immediately start entertaining them or feeding them until its bedtime routine. So put aside anything you think you want to do because you are on baby duty until they're asleep. 
14. What does bedtime routine look like?
From 3-6 months, you bathed Noah, I bathed Brody. You rocked Noah to sleep and I rocked Bro to sleep because Noah wouldn't come to me. We then put them in the crib. Sometimes you had to put Bro to sleep. Sometimes neither baby wanted me. So I had to entertain one while you put one completely to sleep and then you started on the next one. Biggest advice would be put them to bed as early as possible. We put them to bed at 5pm and now we put them to bed at 6pm. You need down time and thats impossible with twins. Put them to bed early. They need a lot of sleep that age anyway. 
15. How do you manage the stresses of work plus being a full time father when you get home?
Practically, when you walk thru the door you have to leave the work day behind. If you take stress into a stressful environment, your wife is going to go break. Your wife needs you to be strong for her no matter how weak you may feel. After being alone with 2 babies for 9 hours, the last thing she needs is another baby to take care of. For the first few months, don't assume you're coming home to a happy environment. I guarantee you, you will come home to a harder work environment than you just came from. Put your big pants on because your life is gonna suck for a while. 
16. When does it get better?
Around 6 months. Mainly because at 6 months you train them to sleep thru the night. Definitely make sure by 6 months they're crib trained and 'sleep thru the night' trained. 
17. Now that it's a little better, do you look forward to coming home now?
Yes definitely, up until 5 or 6 months I didn't look forward to coming home because I knew I was coming home to a more stressful environment. I was more tired and stressed on my weekends off work than I was Monday through Friday. Now, they are so much more fun. They are still cranky. But they laugh at you and you can tell they love you! They light up when they see you. When I make silly noises they both look at me and laugh. Its like now, they know I'm their dad. And thats cool. I feel like at the beginning they already know who Mom is. I feel like now at this stage they know who Dad is. And I like that. 
18. What is the worst thing about having twins?
I guess, seeing dads having one child. They have so much freedom. The guy across the street gets to cut his grass and wash his car. As a twin dad I don't have that. I have to strategically plan when I do those things because I'm helping you. I have to wake up at 5am to work out for crying out loud! You have no extra time. Thats the worst. 
19. Whats the best thing about having twins?
You honestly get double the love. I have two boys who will want to play with me. I'll have two buddies for the rest of my life. We'll experience everything at the same time together. Sports, school, girls.. Umm no. Hahaha- They will never have that age difference. They will experience life together and hopefully be interested in the same things. 
20. What advice would you give to help keep a marriage (added with kids) strong and healthy?
Time. Spend time with her apart from the babies. Take her out. Make her feel pretty. As a mom being full of spit up and poop all day long, she still wants to feel pretty and attractive. Compliment her. Take her to dinner. Cook for her. Keep the romance alive. Physical touch is important. Not sexual, but just simple touch. Make her feel like a woman, instead of a mom. 

Thank you twin daddy for you honesty:) I hope we didn't scare too many twin daddies in the process. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Stay At Home Mom or Working Mom? Which is Best?

Be a stay at home mom, or a working mom? This seems to be a question we have asked ourselves at least once in our lives. There are studies where women are working more now than ever before! There are other studies that say that moms who are home-schooling their children are growing at a rapid rate! So which is better for our family? Should we stay at home? Or… Should we go to work?

For some women, it's a no brainer.

She will do whatever it takes to be home with her children.
She coupons, she meal plans, she saves every penny possible, she trades in her nice car for a used one, she home schools, she won't shop for herself unless it's on sale at Goodwill, she pours her entire self into her children. She does the laundry, organizes the pantry, and mops the floor. She cooks a healthy meal every night, reads a them a book, sings them a lullaby, puts them to bed, she cleans the little messes, picks up the toys, and spends the little time thats left of her day with her husband that appreciates her so much for taking care of the family and the house. She thanks God that He allowed her to be able to stay home. She truly puts her family first.

The Worker:
She will do whatever it takes to feed her children and put a roof over their heads.
She wakes up long before the sun is up, she makes lunches, she cleans the house, she pulls her kids out of bed, she struggles to dress them, she attempts to make a quick breakfast all while her kids refuse to wake up, she watches the clock. With the last 20 minutes before its time to go, she rushes to get ready and look professional, all while making sure her kids are ready to go. She drops her kids off, misses them all day long, hoping they are well taken care of and happy, rushes to pick them up, orders dinner out and feels guilty for not cooking. Exhausted from her work day, she stares at the load of laundry sitting on the couch, she helps with the piles of homework, spends a few hours of family time before bed. She thanks God that He put this job position in her life so that she can afford to give her children a great life. She truly puts her family first.

The Reality:
This is the world we live in. Moms striving to give their kids the absolute best and new moms trying to decide whether or not to stay at home, or go to work.

Thankfully, we also live in a world where we are able to do both! I am a stay at home mom, that also gets to bring home monthly and weekly checks!

When I had my twin boys, I had zero intention on ever going back to work. I was going to be a full fledge stay at home mom. Then… reality happened. Thomas got in a car accident, so we had to purchase a new car. Our health insurance went up tremendously (thanks Obama). We began spending $400+ a month on formula for our twins. The babies' medicines they were taking added up to about $100 a month. Plus bills, bills, bills, that never go away.  Our money going out was almost just as much as our money coming in with Thomas' salary alone. That's a scary place to be in.

So here were our options.. Thomas get another job, where he would never see me or the babies, OR I go back to work.

So, in order for me to go back to work I would have to obviously put the babies in daycare….putting TWO babies in daycare???? $$$$.. Yea. Not happening.

So.. what CAN I do to stay at home with my babies? I can share my story. I can share my testimony. I can help other people reach their goals and share their stories all while singing ABCs and changing diapers. With the Lord's peace and guidance, I dove head first into Plexus 3 years ago to take care of my health issues. Now I am diving head first into Plexus to take care of my finances with the Lord's blessing. And let me tell you… He has already used Plexus to bless us greatly!:)

So with that said…If you are at a crossroads, like I was, trying to decide if you should stay at home with your babies, or be a working mom, just think about doing both. There are many Network Marketing companies that are great! These are just 10 network marketing companies that you can work from home!
1. Plexus Slim
2. Advocare
3. Melaleuca
4. Avon
5. Mary Kay
6. Pampered Chef
7. Scentsy
8. Tupperware
9. Juice Plus
10. Team National

I chose Plexus Slim because I am a product of it. I chose Plexus Slim because I have seen what it has done for my entire family. I chose Plexus Slim because I want to help others achieve their goals.

Whether you are a SAHM or a worker, you are blessed. God has given us beautiful children to love and care for. He will direct, lead, and provide for us even when we are overwhelmed and exhausted.

Look to Him alone for guidance, wisdom, and for peace in whatever your decision may be!

Stay strong my mommy friends! Peace and blessings:)

Contact me if you want to chat about your crossroads decisions, babies, life, whatever!

If you are interested in the Plexus Products:

45 pounds gone
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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Low Carb Chicken Parm!--->Hubby's Fav!

IMy Italian Stallion's favorite meal that I make him is my Chicken Parmesan. This was one of the things my sister taught me to make when I was in "wife training", because we gotta keep our men happy!:) When we started eating low carb dinners, I knew I had to figure out a way to make this as low carb as possible because I knew he couldn't go long without it! Honestly, I think I like it better this way. Or maybe I like it better because I know I'll be able to fit in my pants the next day. ;)

I wouldn't consider this one of my "quick" recipes, but I will say it's fairly simple and delicious. If your babies can sit through an entire episode of Micky Mouse Clubhouse, then it's totally do-able! Or, you can put your babies in their high chair and let them watch you make your skinny, italian masterpiece while singing ABC's. Show off your multi-tasking skills:)

Nannie's Spaghetti Squash Recipe:
After my own failed attempts to make perfect spaghetti squash noodles, I got my Nannie's  recipe and its absolutely perfect! Not too mushy, not too crunchy. Delicious and super easy.
1 Spaghetti Squash
Olive Oil
Seasonings- salt, pepper, garlic powder
Cooking Spray

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray pan with cooking spray.
Cut the ends off to have a flat base so its easier to cut the squash in half. -->Otherwise you'll probably cut your hand off and then won't be able to finish the recipe :(
Put the squash on its base and then cut down the center so you have two halves.
Spoon out the seeds. (I use an ice cream scoop)
Brush on a little olive oil on both sides.
Sprinkle your seasonings on top.
Place spaghetti squash face down on the pan and place in oven.
Bake squash for 40-45 minutes. (I do 42 min)
Fork out your "noodles"! So cool.

Simple Sauce:
olive oil or coconut oil
1 onion
1 clove garlic
1/3 cup mushrooms (optional)
1 jar of spaghetti sauce or marinara (try to find sugar free)
grated parmesan cheese
Seasonings- salt, pepper

Chop of your onion and garlic and sauté them in olive oil until onions are soft. Add mushrooms and sauté for about 5-10 minutes on medium heat. Add your spaghetti sauce and seasonings and let cook on low stirring occasionally. Keep on low until spaghetti squash and chicken are done. Spoon on top of "noodles" and chicken!

Simple Low Carb Chicken Parm:
Olive oil and 2 tbsp butter
1 cup milk
Chicken Breast (butterflied and beaten flat)
Almond Flour
Grated Parmesan Cheese
Seasonings- garlic powder, onion powder, Tony's, salt, pepper
mozzarella cheese

Prep- cut off fat and butterfly the chicken breast so you have two separate pieces. Put the two chicken breast halves in a gallon ziplock bag and seal shut with no air. Take your rolling pin and beat the chicken. This will make them thinner and easier to cook!

When you're done letting out your aggression on the chicken, put them in a bowl of milk to soak for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, take your almond flour, parmesan cheese, and seasonings and mix them together and spread out the mixture in a pan or plate. Take your chicken breasts out of the milk and place them in the pan of seasonings, flipping it over to cover both sides. Make sure the chicken is fully covered with the mixture.

In a skillet, cover the bottom with olive oil and melt butter over medium heat. Once butter is melted, add your chicken. Flip over after about 5-7 minutes and then add mozzarella cheese on top while the chicken is finishing cooking. You can cover the skillet with the lid so that the cheese melts faster.
Once mozz is melted and chicken is fully cooked it's ready to eat!

This is what Tom's plate looks like when he's done. ;)