These are just a few questions I get on a daily basis when I run into people at church, in the grocery store, or at the mall. If you're a twin mom, you know now that your two little monkeys get LOTS of attention when you take them out. "Are they twins? Are they boys or girls? Are they identical? Were they natural?" And then they always know someone who had twins, or tell me a little story about twins they knew. I don't mind at all. I actually love talking to new people and have them gawk over my sweet boys:)
But for my fellow twin moms and for people who were wondering how we do it, I always have the same response… "I just do it."
But what I really mean is…
I couldn't have gotten out of bed most days if it wasn't for asking the Lord to give me strength. I wouldn't have known how to comfort my babies if I didn't ask the Lord for wisdom. I couldn't have made those evening colic hours if I didn't ask the Lord to pour His love through me because I felt like my love wasn't enough. I couldn't have gotten through the numerous night feedings if I didn't ask the Lord for patience and endurance. God Almighty created these baby boys for His purpose, and gave Thomas and me the privilege of raising them to know and love Him. People ask me how do I do it? Jesus. Our God equips us for what He has called for our life.
"Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding." Proverbs 3:5

Surprisingly, asking for help is something that I am STILL struggling with. I am so much like my Mawmaw Loretta, that I "never want to bother nobody". I will be in tears with my hair falling out before I call my mom for help, but I think I'm getting better. I just got home from spending a week at my moms house because my two babies were sick and I just couldn't do it by myself. I asked my sister-in-law to watch my babies while I did things I needed to do around the house. My sister is watching the boys while Thomas and I have a Valentine's Day lunch in BR. Next weekend, my mom and mother-in-law are taking the babies overnight so Thomas and I can enjoy our friends' late night wedding. All you have to do is ask. People love you and are more than willing to help you and cuddle with your babies. Just ask.

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