I had sacrificed a lot of what I wanted to do. I sacrificed "me" time. I basically gave up taking care of myself because I needed to work(teach) to help pay off student loans and debts, I needed to take care of my husband and babies, and I needed to make sure the house was in perfect shape...at. all. times.
I had totally lost myself. I lost "Brittany". I added "teacher", "wife", and "mother of twins" to my resume', but for some reason erased everything else that I loved to do and loved to be!
One late night during pillow talk, I told my husband that in 2015, I wanted to somehow manage the things I needed to do with the things I WANTED to do. Of course, he was totally supportive because he's the best husband everrrr!! like totally... (love you babe!)
So we made it happen. We wake up before the babies (5am) and work out. I jumped back on my blog, and this time publishing what I am writing because I felt like it would help other twin moms and those looking for easy low carb meals. I have been meal planning so we can have yummy low carb dinners on the table every night after we put the babies to bed. I became a part of bible studies that have child care so I can make sure I study scripture because I WANT to know more about my Creator and have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
What's funny.. is that while I am writing this, it seems like SO much more has been added to my plate...but in reality, I've never had more energy because MY desires are filled. MY health is a priority. I am making "ME" time on my to-do list. It may sound selfish to someone who isn't a mother, or heck, maybe you are a mother and you're thinking that I am being selfish.
But let me encourage you. If you are a mother and its a struggle every day to get out of bed and you feel like you've lost yourself.. do something FOR yourself and make it happen. If you don't spend a little time to take care of yourself, it will be a lot harder to take care of everyone else.
Let me just say….I absolutely HATE waking up early.. especially when I've been up 3 or 4 times a night taking care of fussy, sleepless babies! But.. I WANT to work out. So I make it happen. And after I do it, I love that I did and I'm happier for it…not to mention, have WAY more energy to play with my two tiny boys. :)
I guess what I'm trying to say is this..
When you take care of yourself, it's so much easier to take care of the people around you.
Don't forget who you are and what you love to do.
You are a superwoman, and you can do it.
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