For some women, it's a no brainer.
She coupons, she meal plans, she saves every penny possible, she trades in her nice car for a used one, she home schools, she won't shop for herself unless it's on sale at Goodwill, she pours her entire self into her children. She does the laundry, organizes the pantry, and mops the floor. She cooks a healthy meal every night, reads a them a book, sings them a lullaby, puts them to bed, she cleans the little messes, picks up the toys, and spends the little time thats left of her day with her husband that appreciates her so much for taking care of the family and the house. She thanks God that He allowed her to be able to stay home. She truly puts her family first.
The Worker:
She will do whatever it takes to feed her children and put a roof over their heads.
She wakes up long before the sun is up, she makes lunches, she cleans the house, she pulls her kids out of bed, she struggles to dress them, she attempts to make a quick breakfast all while her kids refuse to wake up, she watches the clock. With the last 20 minutes before its time to go, she rushes to get ready and look professional, all while making sure her kids are ready to go. She drops her kids off, misses them all day long, hoping they are well taken care of and happy, rushes to pick them up, orders dinner out and feels guilty for not cooking. Exhausted from her work day, she stares at the load of laundry sitting on the couch, she helps with the piles of homework, spends a few hours of family time before bed. She thanks God that He put this job position in her life so that she can afford to give her children a great life. She truly puts her family first.
The Reality:
This is the world we live in. Moms striving to give their kids the absolute best and new moms trying to decide whether or not to stay at home, or go to work.
Thankfully, we also live in a world where we are able to do both! I am a stay at home mom, that also gets to bring home monthly and weekly checks!
When I had my twin boys, I had zero intention on ever going back to work. I was going to be a full fledge stay at home mom. Then… reality happened. Thomas got in a car accident, so we had to purchase a new car. Our health insurance went up tremendously (thanks Obama). We began spending $400+ a month on formula for our twins. The babies' medicines they were taking added up to about $100 a month. Plus bills, bills, bills, that never go away. Our money going out was almost just as much as our money coming in with Thomas' salary alone. That's a scary place to be in.
So here were our options.. Thomas get another job, where he would never see me or the babies, OR I go back to work.
So, in order for me to go back to work I would have to obviously put the babies in daycare….putting TWO babies in daycare???? $$$$.. Yea. Not happening.
So with that said…If you are at a crossroads, like I was, trying to decide if you should stay at home with your babies, or be a working mom, just think about doing both. There are many Network Marketing companies that are great! These are just 10 network marketing companies that you can work from home!
1. Plexus Slim
2. Advocare
3. Melaleuca
4. Avon
5. Mary Kay
6. Pampered Chef
7. Scentsy
8. Tupperware
9. Juice Plus
10. Team National
I chose Plexus Slim because I am a product of it. I chose Plexus Slim because I have seen what it has done for my entire family. I chose Plexus Slim because I want to help others achieve their goals.
Whether you are a SAHM or a worker, you are blessed. God has given us beautiful children to love and care for. He will direct, lead, and provide for us even when we are overwhelmed and exhausted.
Look to Him alone for guidance, wisdom, and for peace in whatever your decision may be!
Stay strong my mommy friends! Peace and blessings:)
Contact me if you want to chat about your crossroads decisions, babies, life, whatever!
If you are interested in the Plexus Products:
45 pounds gone
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All day energy
Great Sleep
Thick hair
More money:)
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