Okay.. so for all you guacamole lovers out there, this recipe is so extremely simple and easy to put together in a jif! You can get crazy and add all kinds of ingredients, but this is the easiest way to make it and it still taste amazing.
2 avocados
1 tomato
1/2 onion
Seasonings (salt, Tony's, garlic powder)
Well… I guess it's really 4 ingredients. Hmmm..
Here we go.. read carefully so you don't get lost.
1) Spoon out the green stuff from your avocado and put in a mixing bowl.
2) Get a fork and mash up the green stuff
3) Add your seasonings and stir it in.
4) Mince your onion and stir it in.
5) Dice your tomato and stir it in.
Now would be a good time to get a chip and taste your guacamole! You may need to add more salt.
Cover your mixing bowl or put it in some tupperware and store it in the fridge so that the gauc can soak in its own deliciousness before dinner.
Wam. Bam. Done.
There are all kinds of low carb recipes this guac can be used for!
Fajitas (duh)
Guac Burgers- (burger patty, fried egg, guac)
Guac Chicken- (grilled chicken, carmalized onions, guac)
Pita Quesadillas (pita stuffed with chicken and cheese, add guac and salsa) yum.
Hope this helps!
Happy Guacamoling :)
I'm a God fearing, chocolate loving, piano playing, Plexus taking, stay-at-home mommy of twins, who strives to provide healthy meals for her family! I love to help other twin moms with advice, tips, and encouragement. I am also sharing my successes at yummy and healthy recipes and my journey with Plexus Slim.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Are you sure your water broke?? My crazy C-section story.
April is Cesarean Awareness Month! So in honor of celebrating the twins being 36 weeks out, I thought I should share my crazy, emotional, and some what humorous C-section story!
Before you continue reading, I am going to be completely honest on what happened, so if you're reading this with your eight year old son, you should probably stop now and then continue reading after bedtime! :)
It was Wednesday, August 6, 2014. I'm pretty sure it was 105 degrees outside and I was so incredibly pregnant. My dog, Louie, who sleeps with us, threw up in our bed at 5:00am that morning, and then threw up around the house almost every hour after that. It was crazy and disgusting. So here I am, on my hands and knees, all day long cleaning dog vomit. I was so aggravated. And in-between his vomit spells, he would lay on my belly. I didn't mind that. That was sweet.
FINALLY Thomas gets off of work. He got off at 5:00pm which was earlier than normal! We sat in our recliners and I was comforting our sick puppy and he was working on his computer. I rolled my huge self off the recliner and made my way to the bathroom for the 67th time that day. (if you don't know already, you pee ALL the time when you're preggers)
Made it to the bathroom, and before I could even pull my sweat pants off, I pee on myself.
"Dang it!… Well this never happened before… crap… wait… why can't I stop peeing? Oh my God.. Did my water just break? Oh my God… THOMAS!!"
"What, babe? Did you finally poop?"
So I guess he knew I wasn't announcing that I was finally able to poop after 4 days not going (which is another thing that happens when you're preggers)…
He ran over and sees the huge puddle on the bathroom floor and starts freaking out just as much as I was. "Oh my God.. Babe… Okay.. I'm gonna call your mom!"
So I start crying and crying. My mom gets on the phone and is as calm as a cucumber. "Dont worry, you have plenty of time! Your sister took a shower and shaved her legs before she went to the hospital to have Ben! You'll be fine. Calm down, I'm on my way."
Still, that doesn't help. I was having contractions left and right. I was leaking all over the place. My bag wasn't completely packed. I was NOT ready to have these babies!!! This was not my plan!! I wanted to fix my hair! Do my makeup! Shave my legs! Nope.. no time for all that. We had to go.
So about 5:30, my mom made it to my house, gave me a huge hug and packed up our stuff in the car. I was still crying. Shaking. FREAKING OUT. All I could do is pray. I prayed the whole way to the hospital praying to God that my babies would be okay being so early.
We finally made it to the hospital through rush hour traffic.. (btw- why in the HECK is the hospital where you deliver babies on the busiest highway in Louisiana?!!)
So we make it to the Assessment Center around 6:00pm. I told them, my water broke and I'm 36 weeks pregnant with twins. "Aww twins! My Aunt Ree had twins. Okay ma'am please fill out his form and we'll be with you in a moment. Are you sure your water broke?" "Yes.. I'm positive."
I quickly fill out the slip and give it back. "Okay ma'am just have a seat in our waiting area and we'll call you back in a minute to assess you."
I didn't say that…
So the three of us sat and waited. I start feeling like I'm sitting on something. So much pressure.. I was so completely aggravated. This is not at all what I had envisioned. I wanted to video everything! I wanted a photographer! I wanted to be calm and collected. I wanted to be ready.
So what seems like an eternity later, they called me back. I go with the nurse and Mom and Tom stay back. The nurse is taking her good ol time getting me back in the assessment room. She stops for a second to talk to another nurse, she grabs a chart from another. She's in absolutely no hurry at all to get me in my room.
"So did your water break!?" …..Yes. "What are you having?" ….Two boys. "Omg, twins! How sweet. My brother's sister in law had twins!" …..Awesome.
So she gets me a hospital gown, and continues asking me a million questions about twins and then ANOTHER nurse walks in. Great…
"Hi! My name is Sue, I will be assessing you today! So are you sure you're water broke?"
At this point I wanted to slap somebody.
"Yes I'm very sure!!" I smiled and giggled when I said that, but on the inside I wanted to scream and punch her in the face. (I told you I was going to be honest)
So she takes her time and puts on her gloves as she tells me a story about twins she grew up with. She lifts my gown and looks. She says, "Oh my God.. there are two feet coming out of your vagina! Theres feet coming out of your vagina! We got to get you to the O.R. now!"
So immediately I calm down knowing everything will be great!…. NOT! Now I'm REALLY freaking out! I am so scared! All I could do is pray. "Lord God hold my hand. Protect my babies"I just kept whispering that to myself.
So Sue opens the door and yells out in the hallway to the resident doctor and nurses, "THERE'S FEET COMING OUT OF HER VAGINA! THERE'S FEET COMING OUT OF HER VAGINA!!! GET HER HUSBAND OUT HERE WE ARE GOING TO THE O.R.!"
Thank God modesty goes out the window when you're in labor.
So like in any good movie, they run me through the hallways on the stretcher. Thomas and my mom are running behind us. "Lord God please be with me. Calm my spirit. Protect my babies." So as we are running, the resident asked, "So did your water break?" (that's the honest truth)
So they wheel me in the OR and about 30 different nurses start running around. It looked like a New York City side walk. Everyone was headed in different directions doing different things. I had no idea what was going on. One nurse said that I needed to be put to sleep. I literally start crying at that point. I wasn't going to be able to experience seeing my babies come out of me. I felt like I was being robbed.
Then I saw the most beautiful sight! MY Obstetrician walked in the doors! He was on call that night and had just finished delivering just in time to be with me! I think I heard the Hallelujah Chorus. "Lord God THANK YOU!" What a blessing!
He immediately looks at me, and says, "No, she needs to experience this. We have time. Give her the epidural."
So in the midst of the chaos, an angel nurse came and held my hands and told me to relax and breathe. The needle went in my back a few times, but I just closed my eyes, held her hands and prayed. "Lord still my heart. Give me peace. Protect my babies." (If you are reading this, and you are the nurse that held my hands during that process, please let me know who you are. I am forever grateful)
Shortly after that process, they let Tom and Mom back in the room. It was go time. As soon as I saw my husband's face and held his hand, I felt an overwhelming peace go through my spirit. I felt like God was telling me then, that everything was going according to His plan. I knew then that I was soon to see my sweet Noah and Brody. This was it. This was the moment.
Baby A was coming out first. This was the baby that had kicked his way through me! At 6:45 they pulled him out, and I saw my Noah. My son. I heard his first breath and a loud cry! That is a moment a mother will never ever forget. A minute later, Brody came. My precious son.

God protected His babies. He gave me peace in the midst of chaos. He brought us through. He saved our lives.
I honestly don't remember exactly what happened between then and when I saw my family and friends. But I am so grateful that God allowed me to remember those first moments with my sons.
Before you continue reading, I am going to be completely honest on what happened, so if you're reading this with your eight year old son, you should probably stop now and then continue reading after bedtime! :)
It was Wednesday, August 6, 2014. I'm pretty sure it was 105 degrees outside and I was so incredibly pregnant. My dog, Louie, who sleeps with us, threw up in our bed at 5:00am that morning, and then threw up around the house almost every hour after that. It was crazy and disgusting. So here I am, on my hands and knees, all day long cleaning dog vomit. I was so aggravated. And in-between his vomit spells, he would lay on my belly. I didn't mind that. That was sweet.
FINALLY Thomas gets off of work. He got off at 5:00pm which was earlier than normal! We sat in our recliners and I was comforting our sick puppy and he was working on his computer. I rolled my huge self off the recliner and made my way to the bathroom for the 67th time that day. (if you don't know already, you pee ALL the time when you're preggers)
Made it to the bathroom, and before I could even pull my sweat pants off, I pee on myself.
"Dang it!… Well this never happened before… crap… wait… why can't I stop peeing? Oh my God.. Did my water just break? Oh my God… THOMAS!!"
"What, babe? Did you finally poop?"
So I guess he knew I wasn't announcing that I was finally able to poop after 4 days not going (which is another thing that happens when you're preggers)…
He ran over and sees the huge puddle on the bathroom floor and starts freaking out just as much as I was. "Oh my God.. Babe… Okay.. I'm gonna call your mom!"
So I start crying and crying. My mom gets on the phone and is as calm as a cucumber. "Dont worry, you have plenty of time! Your sister took a shower and shaved her legs before she went to the hospital to have Ben! You'll be fine. Calm down, I'm on my way."
Still, that doesn't help. I was having contractions left and right. I was leaking all over the place. My bag wasn't completely packed. I was NOT ready to have these babies!!! This was not my plan!! I wanted to fix my hair! Do my makeup! Shave my legs! Nope.. no time for all that. We had to go.
So about 5:30, my mom made it to my house, gave me a huge hug and packed up our stuff in the car. I was still crying. Shaking. FREAKING OUT. All I could do is pray. I prayed the whole way to the hospital praying to God that my babies would be okay being so early.
We finally made it to the hospital through rush hour traffic.. (btw- why in the HECK is the hospital where you deliver babies on the busiest highway in Louisiana?!!)
So we make it to the Assessment Center around 6:00pm. I told them, my water broke and I'm 36 weeks pregnant with twins. "Aww twins! My Aunt Ree had twins. Okay ma'am please fill out his form and we'll be with you in a moment. Are you sure your water broke?" "Yes.. I'm positive."
I quickly fill out the slip and give it back. "Okay ma'am just have a seat in our waiting area and we'll call you back in a minute to assess you."
I didn't say that…
So the three of us sat and waited. I start feeling like I'm sitting on something. So much pressure.. I was so completely aggravated. This is not at all what I had envisioned. I wanted to video everything! I wanted a photographer! I wanted to be calm and collected. I wanted to be ready.
So what seems like an eternity later, they called me back. I go with the nurse and Mom and Tom stay back. The nurse is taking her good ol time getting me back in the assessment room. She stops for a second to talk to another nurse, she grabs a chart from another. She's in absolutely no hurry at all to get me in my room.
"So did your water break!?" …..Yes. "What are you having?" ….Two boys. "Omg, twins! How sweet. My brother's sister in law had twins!" …..Awesome.
So she gets me a hospital gown, and continues asking me a million questions about twins and then ANOTHER nurse walks in. Great…
"Hi! My name is Sue, I will be assessing you today! So are you sure you're water broke?"
At this point I wanted to slap somebody.
"Yes I'm very sure!!" I smiled and giggled when I said that, but on the inside I wanted to scream and punch her in the face. (I told you I was going to be honest)
So she takes her time and puts on her gloves as she tells me a story about twins she grew up with. She lifts my gown and looks. She says, "Oh my God.. there are two feet coming out of your vagina! Theres feet coming out of your vagina! We got to get you to the O.R. now!"
So immediately I calm down knowing everything will be great!…. NOT! Now I'm REALLY freaking out! I am so scared! All I could do is pray. "Lord God hold my hand. Protect my babies"I just kept whispering that to myself.
So Sue opens the door and yells out in the hallway to the resident doctor and nurses, "THERE'S FEET COMING OUT OF HER VAGINA! THERE'S FEET COMING OUT OF HER VAGINA!!! GET HER HUSBAND OUT HERE WE ARE GOING TO THE O.R.!"
Thank God modesty goes out the window when you're in labor.
So like in any good movie, they run me through the hallways on the stretcher. Thomas and my mom are running behind us. "Lord God please be with me. Calm my spirit. Protect my babies." So as we are running, the resident asked, "So did your water break?" (that's the honest truth)
So they wheel me in the OR and about 30 different nurses start running around. It looked like a New York City side walk. Everyone was headed in different directions doing different things. I had no idea what was going on. One nurse said that I needed to be put to sleep. I literally start crying at that point. I wasn't going to be able to experience seeing my babies come out of me. I felt like I was being robbed.
Then I saw the most beautiful sight! MY Obstetrician walked in the doors! He was on call that night and had just finished delivering just in time to be with me! I think I heard the Hallelujah Chorus. "Lord God THANK YOU!" What a blessing!
He immediately looks at me, and says, "No, she needs to experience this. We have time. Give her the epidural."
So in the midst of the chaos, an angel nurse came and held my hands and told me to relax and breathe. The needle went in my back a few times, but I just closed my eyes, held her hands and prayed. "Lord still my heart. Give me peace. Protect my babies." (If you are reading this, and you are the nurse that held my hands during that process, please let me know who you are. I am forever grateful)
Shortly after that process, they let Tom and Mom back in the room. It was go time. As soon as I saw my husband's face and held his hand, I felt an overwhelming peace go through my spirit. I felt like God was telling me then, that everything was going according to His plan. I knew then that I was soon to see my sweet Noah and Brody. This was it. This was the moment.
Baby A was coming out first. This was the baby that had kicked his way through me! At 6:45 they pulled him out, and I saw my Noah. My son. I heard his first breath and a loud cry! That is a moment a mother will never ever forget. A minute later, Brody came. My precious son.

God protected His babies. He gave me peace in the midst of chaos. He brought us through. He saved our lives.
I honestly don't remember exactly what happened between then and when I saw my family and friends. But I am so grateful that God allowed me to remember those first moments with my sons.
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